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Stephen King Wiki

Imagine you are watching, then THOVIS (Thomas, but with legs) comes out of nowhere.

Very first YTP BLOG!


A day when Thomas grew legs, an alarm called. The militaries of the United Kingdom, The United States, Canada, Russia. China and some weak nations are sent to Sodor for battle. More panic and riots happen in Sodor, Thomas was on a rampage.

All TV characters and others we're drafted. A few weeks later something worse happens...

Hollywood premieres "James the Bond 005". The movie shows James the Red Engine as the main character of the movie.

Stan Pines shoots a rocket launcher at Thomas (THOVIS)' face. this results in Stan Pines getting kicked to the Sodor General Hospital. A patient screams as Stan Pines impacts his hospital window. The hospital collapses, but the Joker ignores and plays Angry Birds. Soon, the events get worse. It all ends with Harold the Helicopter dropping a Snickers box into Thomas' mouth. The war ends.

THOVIS War Participants

The participants of the war shown.
