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Stephen King Wiki

"The Revelations of Becka Paulson" is a short-story written by Stephen King, and originally published in the July/August 1984 issue of Rolling Stone.


After accidentally shooting herself in the head, housewife Rebecca Paulson begins to experience odd visions.



Though the story remains uncollected, the titular character and most of the plot later appeared as a subplot in King's 1987 novel The Tommyknockers.


The Outer Limits[]

The story was adapted into episode 3x15 of The Outer Limits, which aired on 6 June 1997. The episode was scripted by Brad Wright, and directed by Steven Weber, starring Catherine O'Hara, John Diehl, Bill Dow, Steven Weber, and Marilyn Norry.

The CW TV Series[]

This story is currently in development at The CW. It is presented as a one-hour drama from Maisie Culver, Katie Lovejoy, and Warner Bros. TV. Revelations is the working title.

The premises reads — After accidentally shooting herself in the brain with a nail gun, a Pollyanna-ish Becca Paulson is recruited by an over-it Jesus to be his “chosen one” in stopping the apocalypse. In order to save the world, Becca will have to prove that our deeply backward planet Earth is redeemable — starting with her quirky midwestern hometown.[1]

