The Gunslinger Born is a seven-issue comic book series written by Robin Furth and Peter David, illustrated by Jae Lee and Richard Isancove, and published by Marvel Comics from February to August 2007. The mini-series, which is the first of five such series, retells the story of Roland's time in Hambry, and is followed by The Long Road Home.
Issue #1: 7 February 2007[]
During Roland's flight across the Mohaine Desert he recalls the treachery of Marten Broadcloak, the sin of his mother, his test of manhood against his teacher Cort, and the night that followed.
Issue #2: 7 March 2007[]
Roland's father, Steven, returns with a plan to send Roland, Cuthbert, and Alain to Hambry in the east, the true form of the Crimson King is revealed, and Marten flees Gilead after escaping arrest.
Issue #3: 4 April 2007[]
Roland and friends have fled for the city of Hambry, as their home in Gilead is now too dangerous, but Roland learns to his horror that he is no safer in Mejis than he was in New Canaan. Hambry’s leaders have switched allegiance and the assassins known as the Big Coffin Hunters have marked Roland and his ka-tet for death.
The issue also included the short story "The Guns of Deschain," written by Robin Furth.
Issue #4: 2 May 2007[]
Roland seems willing to put his friends in deadly danger by staying in Hambry as his relationship with Susan Delgado deepens. Meanwhile, Marten Broadcloak’s agents – otherwise known to the world as the Big Coffin Hunters – are zeroing in for the kill on Roland and his friends.
Issue #5: 6 June 2007[]
Just outside Hambry, Roland makes a monstrous discovery: John Farson and his men have stolen the weapons of the Great Old Ones and now have the oil to power them and launch an attack against the Affiliation – a group which counts among its members Roland’s father, Steven Deschain. And, at just the wrong time, the young gunslinger’s ka-tet may be splintering, when Cuthbert accuses Roland of cowardice and rides off on his own.
Issue #6: 4 July 2007[]
The Affiliation are being lured into a fatal trap in the Shaved Mountains. With the Great Old Ones’ weapons fired up by Hambry’s oil, the Affiliation will be wiped out, unless Roland Deschain – the Gunslinger – can intercede in time.
Issue #7: 1 August 2007[]
Roland and his ka-tet have their long-awaited showdown with Eldred Jonas and the Big Coffin Hunters; Rhea's plan finally comes to fruition with deadly results; Roland Deschain’s love affair with Susan Delgado comes to a tragic conclusion.
The Dark Tower series | |
Novels | I (a-b-c-d-e; f) • II • III • IV • IVS • V • VI • VII |
Short stories | "Low Men in Yellow Coats" • "The Little Sisters of Eluria" |
Related works | `Salem's Lot • The Stand • The Eyes of the Dragon • Insomnia |
Comics | #1-7 • #8-12 • #13-18 • #19 • #20-25 • #26-30 #31-35 • #36-37 • #38-42 • #43-47 • #48-52 #53-57 • #58-59 • #60 • #61-65 • #66-70 |
Characters | Roland Deschain • Jake Chambers • Eddie Dean Susannah Holmes • Donald Callahan • Walter o'Dim |