The Dark Tower is an American science fantasy, western, action, horror film film directed and co-written by Nikolaj Arcel released on August 4, 2017. A continuation of Stephen King's novel series of the same name, the film stars Idris Elba as Roland Deschain, a gunslinger on a quest to protect the Dark Tower – a mythical structure which supports all realities – and Matthew McConaughey as his nemesis, Walter Padick.
Intended to launch a film and television franchise, the first installment combines elements from several novels in the eight-volume series, taking place partly in modern-day New York City and partly in Mid-world, Roland's Old West-style parallel universe. Additionally, King has tweeted a photo of the Horn of Eld with the caption "Last Time Around", which relates to the ending of the final book, The Dark Tower; Arcel has said that fans will know the movie is a sequel to the books' events.
This film's story occurs sometime after the events of The Dark Tower. Jake Chambers is an 11-year-old adventure seeker who discovers clues about another dimension called Mid-world. Upon following the mystery, he is spirited away to Mid-World where he encounters a Gunslinger, Roland Deschain, who is on a quest to reach the "Dark Tower" that resides in End-world and reach the nexus point between time and space that he hopes will save all existence from extinction by Hell. But with various monsters and a vicious sorcerer named Walter Padick hot on their trail, the unlikely duo find that their quest may be difficult to complete.
Dark Man, at long last saunters onto the scene. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.