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Stephen King Wiki
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This article pertains to the character as he appears in print. You may be looking for his small-screen counterpart.

Philip "Chef" Bushey was the husband of Samantha Bushey, the father of Little Walter Bushey, and a resident of Chester's Mill, Maine.

Phil Bushey was a small time marijuana dealer in Chester's Mill. After becoming involved with methamphetamine he left the main part of town to cook more. During the Dome Crisis he was rediscovered by Andy Sanders.

His chronic use of the drugs he made drove Phil to both emaciation and insanity. He believed a holy war would soon break out, and became extremely paranoid to the point of carrying both a handgun and an AK-47 assault rifle. Phil never let go of a garage door opener he had wired to plastic explosives in the radio station where his meth lab was based.

Teamed up with Andy Sanders, Chef defended the meth lab until mortally wounded by some of Chester's Mill's police force. In this dire situation, he detonated the explosives, killing himself, Andy, and the cops; the explosion sent a fiery ball of devastation throughout most of the Dome, incinerating the town and most of its residents and animals.[1]

Phil was a lover of blues music. One of his favorites was Little Walter, a harmonica player, whom his son was named after. However, after his wife committed suicide, he went to the hospital to claim her body for burial, abandoning Little Walter in the process.


In the 2013 television series, Bushey is be played by Nicholas Strong.



  1. Under the Dome - Section 24 (Halloween Comes Early), Chapter 20