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Peter Gordon is a minor character in IT, as a member of Henry Bowers gang. He is a rich kid from West Broadway, and is also the boyfriend of Marcia Fadden, also from West Broadway. Like Vic Criss, he realizes how dangerous and unpredictable Henry is. He menacingly invites Ben to play baseball in 1958 and, while on a date with Marcia, insults the Losers at the movies. He joins Henry in tormenting Mike and briefly enters the rockfight, being the first to surrender and take leave. He is never seen again after the rock fight.

It is implied that It kills him later that summer as the Losers recall that all of Henry's friends were killed by It. As Henry threatened Peter however, he could also be responsible.


Like Moose Sadler, Peter's role in the miniseries is brief, he seems like the only preppie in Henry's gang and he only appears during the chasing of Mike Hanlon and the rock fight with the Losers, in which he and Moose are the first to leave. Unlike Moose however, he actually speaks as he brings Moose while escaping. His line is only “Come on Bowers!”
