Ka is the will of Gan, roughly synonymous with destiny or fate.
Ka has been described as "a wheel [whose] only purpose is to turn."
Ka may be considered to be a guide or a destination, though it is not a strict plan. The machinations of ka can, with effort, be obstructed, though more often than not, ka still wins out in the end. Ka is not necessarily a force of good or evil, as it manipulates the powers of both and seems to have no definitive morality of its own.
Further, ka "signifies life-force, consciousness, duty and destiny. In the vulgate, or low speech, it also means a place to which an individual must go."
Individuals drawn together by the will of ka for a purpose are known as ka-tet.
- "The Gunslinger"
- "The Way Station"
- "The Oracle and the Mountains"
- "The Slow Mutants"
- "The Gunslinger and the Dark Man"
- The Gunslinger
- The Drawing of the Three
- The Waste Lands
- Rose Madder
- Wizard and Glass
- "The Little Sisters of Eluria"
- Insomnia
- Wolves of the Calla
- Song of Susannah
- The Dark Tower
- "The Tommyknockers
- The Outsider: The Outsider mentions that the bodies of the dead give off a sort of emanation even after their souls—or ka— have left their bodies. The use of ka in this context resembles the idea of ka as it appeared in the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.