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Charles "Chuck" Thompson (d. 21 Oct Year of the Dome) was a flying instructor, and a resident of Chester's Mill, Maine.

On the morning of "Dome Day", October 21 in the Year of the Dome, Chuck Thompson was giving flying lessons to Claudette Sanders, the wife of the First Selectman of the town. They were flying at approximately two thousand feet from the ground near the town's outskirts. Thompson's plane was a Seneca V. Sanders and Thompson looked down at the town and watched the cars driving around Main Street and the sun gleaming on the steeple of the Congo Church. Sanders began to drift lower above the Prestile Stream. Sanders told Thompson that she sees a couple of boys near the Peace Bridge fishing. He says he's sure she does but also says to keep focus on the plane controls and fly higher off the ground. Sanders claims that she is sorry and Thompson implies that she doesn't have to be. Thompson likes people who were willing to learn something new like Sanders did. He remembers her talking about wanting to buy a Seneca for herself but knew that it would cost her husband a lot of money. Thompson also liked days like that day: unlimited visibility, no wind, and perfect teaching conditions. As the plane rocked slightly Thompson urged Sanders to not lose her focus. He offers her to fly over Route 119 and drop down at nine-hundred. She does this and Thompson relaxed. They fly over Jim Rennie's Used Cars towards 119. They spot an ant-man below walking on the highway. When he waved Thompson waved back, although he knew the man couldn't see them. Sanders shouts that it was a beautiful day and Thompson laughs in aggreement.

Plane Crash

The plane exploded upon impact of the dome.

As soon as they flew near the very outskirts of the town the Seneca crashed into the Dome. Thompson managed to see the nose of the plane crumple towards the two pilots and both propellers disintegrating.

The Seneca then exploded; killing both Charles Thompson and Claudette Sanders.

His remains were taken to the Bowie Funeral Home along with the bodies of, Claudette Sanders, Howard Perkins, and Myra Evans. His remains will be there until after the Visitor's Day explosion and when the Dome lifts.

