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Stephen King Wiki

The Chester's Mill Democrat was a newspaper serving Chester's Mill, Maine, owned and operated by Julia Shumway, who also wrote for the paper. Tony Guay contributed sports-reporting, while Pete Freeman took photographs. The paper was founded in 1890 by Shumway's great-grandfather, with the motto "Serving 'The Little Town That Looks Like A Boot!'" Until 2009, the Democrat ran a yearly interview with Clayton Brassey, the oldest resident of Chester's Mill and Castle County. The article series was discontinued when Brassey succumbed to senility.

The offices of the Democrat were firebombed by Junior Rennie and Carter Thibodeau on the night of 24 October 2012, in such a way that implicated Dale Barbara. Almost all of the copies of the paper's final issue – which included a lengthy editorial in defense of Dale Barbara – were burned in the blaze, though Shumway had stowed a pile in the trunk of her car, and distributed them that night.


