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Stephen King Wiki

The primary events of Carrie occurred in the Spring of 1979.

November 20, 1932 Margaret is born to John and Judith Brigham in Motton, Maine.
1959 John is shot and killed in a gun battle at The Jolly Roadhouse.
1960 Margaret meets Ralph White moves in with him to Chamberlain, Maine.
March 23, 1962 Margaret marries Ralph.
April 3, 1962 Margaret suffers a miscarriage and is admitted to Westover Doctors Hospital.
August 19, 1962 Margaret writes to her mother one last time.
December, 1962 Ralph rapes Margaret.
February 2, 1963 Ralph dies in a construction site accident.
September 21, 1963 Margaret gives birth to Carrie, alone.
August 17, 1966 The White's house is struck by a rain of stones
1981 The Shadow Exploded: Documented Facts and Specific Conclusions Derived from the Case of Carietta White is published.

