Barry the Ch**k is an antagonist in Doctor Sleep and member of The True Knot. His rube name is Barry Smith, and is completely European. He has a 'locator ability' that is relatively strong, so Rose the Hat trusts him on missions for abductions, whether for feeding on Steam or for Turnings. He was present when they abducted Snakebite Andi and personally abducted Bradley Trevor. It was the fact that he had put on Trevor's baseball glove that helped Abra Stone detect him. He was a member of the group sent to abduct Abra, but dies from measles before reaching her. Abra mistakes his name for "Barry the Chunk". In the movie adaptation the character's role in the story is reduced, but he stay plays a pivitol role by putting the baseball glove on; ensuring that Abra will detect The True Knot.