Just got it is it any good
Just got it is it any good
Took me 40 hours of reading
I have read The Mist, Salem’s Lot, IT, Carrie, Elevation, and The Shining
The Shining
Salems Lot
The Mist
Dang you must read a lot I started reading Stephen king this year and have only read 6 of his books (I started in October so I guess that’s ok)
I read IT and Carrie never heard them mention either one. I might have missed it though
Yes I’m proud of Ben, also is that a space marine as your profile picture
64 Votes in Poll
Salem’s lot is great it was my second king book I read you should like it
Chris dark red dress
Billy black suit
I would say a dark red
I haven’t read the Institute but I have read elevation
Read IT and it was amazing and I am currently reading the shining
Make sure you put. Knife coming out of the shoulder just cuz
That’s what I thought
Here’s something funny
When I was a kid there was this grumpy old man that built planes that I lived by
He always screamed at me when I passed because he hated me for some reason and I’m not even making this up his name was legit “Bob Gray” and years later after we moved and I read IT and figured out pennywises name was also Bob gray that made me laugh
Also it pretty weird
Just a dumb thought if you somehow get teleported into the Stephen king world if you stay away from Maine you will be absolutely safe
Am I right or not
You Know what I was wondering if there is any other “pennywises” out there made some in a different town or in space
Just a thought
Oh that makes sense
Idk if you read the book but he dies in it as well so I’m glad they killed them in the movie because the closer to the book the better
Actually I’m glad they didn’t include (certain parts after they defeat IT) they made a good call taking those out